Saturday, December 29, 2007


After blundering through life for the past couple of decades, I've learned that I do not have all of the answers I need to carry me through the low times. When the tide of my life is high, I can tend to not be present in the moment as much as I'd like, and when the waves crash heavily upon me, I find myself flailing out of control. Only, later I am regretful for the words and actions that I so carelessly inflict upon the world.

I don't pretend to know what I'm doing here on this new journey of self discovery, so please bear with me as I explore my new found purpose, which is to find God through prayer and meditation. I welcome all of you whom I may meet along the way to share your own stories, or comments. Please feel free to e-mail me, or to leave your comment on this blog. I look forward to my journey and to meeting all of you out there who are on your own spiritual paths. Sincerely, Bon Ami

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